unlike in the case of traditional positivist models, is a focus on the critical rethinking of the power dynamics and processes that shape the relationship between the researchers and study participants
About US
SEED INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY AFRICA (SiRCA) is a radical space for People’s Researchers and Consultants across Africa with an activist approach to research with an aim of empowering the local community, or its representatives, to manipulate the higher-level power structures through evidence generated in collaboration with the people.
A Pioneer Activist Space for Radical People’s Researchers and Consultants in Africa in pursuit for solutions to the daily struggles facing them in all spheres of life.
To enhance and promote the participation of the people and for themselves in research to gain, create knowledge, educate, develop consciousness and mobilize for action to solve the problems they face.
Under Programmes
Participatory Action Research & People’s Consultants
Participatory Action Research & People’s Consultants:- People’s Researchers Initiative, Visiting People’s Researchers Initiative, People’s Consultants Initiative, Visiting People’s Consultants Initiative.
Under this Programme Area, SiRCA Africa seeks to publish research and consultancy of local people from communities, visiting people’s researchers…
Community Formations, Grants and Fellowship:- Community Formation, Grants and Fellowship
Top Research
Under Membership
SIRCA serves a broad range of stakeholders, including:
Connecting people’s researchers and consultants from across Africa
Connecting Visiting researchers and consultants from across the globe
Connecting NGOs from across the globe supporting people’s research and consultancy
Connecting Academic Institutions from across the globe supporting people’s research and consultancy
Connecting Peasant Movements from across the globe supporting people’s research and consultancy.
Silver Subscription
15 Research Topics
- Affordable Entry Point
- Access to Research Publication Platform
- Short-Term Commitment
- Visibility and Networking
- Feedback and Peer Review
- Recognition within the SIRCA Community
- Option to Upgrade
Gold Subscription
45 Research Topics
- Extended Access
- Increased Proposal Capacity
- Priority Review and Feedback
- Enhanced Visibility
- Access to Exclusive Webinars and Workshops
- Networking Opportunities
- Option to Publish in SIRCA’s Journal
- Recognition and Professional Growth
- Upgrade Flexibility
Platinum Subscription
100 Research Topics
- Maximum Proposal Capacity
- Extended Time Frame
- Priority in All Services
- Exclusive Access to Premium Features
- Enhanced Networking and Collaboration
- Publication in SIRCA’s Flagship Journal
- Leadership and Mentorship Opportunities
- Recognition as a Leading Contributor
- Exclusive Conference Invitations
- Flexible Upgrades and Add-Ons
Keep an eye on this space for announcements regarding new programs, grants, fellowships, and upcoming events.
Stay up to date with the latest happenings in the world of Public Policy, Agriculture, Climate, and more through our news section, which provides insights and updates on SIRCA’s activities and the broader research community.
Policy Briefs
SiRCA’s policy briefs distil complex research findings into clear, actionable recommendations for policymakers.
Dissemination of Research
Ensuring that our research reaches the right audience is crucial to creating impact. SiRCA’s dissemination efforts include publishing research papers,…
Fieldwork and Case Studies
Our researchers engage directly with communities, farmers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to gather firsthand data
Under Partners
At SiRCA, we proudly partnered including government organizations, corporates, NGOs, philanthropists, and the diplomatic community, all united by a commitment to sustainability and inclusivity in sports.